Auntie Alice Namakelua

Auntie Alice Namakelua
She was often referred to as the "Conscience of the Past." Her command of the Hawaiian Language and her many musical talents made her an unforgettable treasure of Hawaiian culture. As a child she sang before Queen Liliuokalani. She taught music, hula and lei making to thousands of young people and many of her compositions, which totaled 180, were written for children. She played slack-key guitar as well as the ukulele and she is thought to be the first woman to play the Hawaiian steel guitar. She loved to teach chil- dren and as playground director for the Department of Parks and Recreation of the City and County of Honolulu, singing and hula were two of her greatest programs. When she recorded her first album of songs at age 82 she was asked about this new career and she said, "It's a fine time in life for that!"
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